
Follow up on the latest improvements andย updates.


What's New:
Now, when you add a new node and select an action or use a template, the node will display a number like #1, #2, and so on. This makes it easy to identify and organize your nodes.
For example, if you add a "Text" action, it might show as "Text #1". The numbering allows you to easily identify the node.
Note: You can still edit the node names as needed.
flowbuilder node naming in numerical



Flowbuilder auto align nodes

What's New:
You can now easily organize your Flowbuilder nodes layout with the new auto-align feature! ๐ŸŽจ
Simply click on the auto-align icon (found on the right of the fit view) in the bottom left corner of the Flowbuilder. This will automatically adjust all your nodes, giving you a tidy and more organized appearance.
Note: Remember to save your Flowbuilder setup to keep the changes from the auto-align.
Hereโ€™s what the auto-align icon looks like:
auto align highlighted
Hereโ€™s an example of how your nodes will look after being auto-aligned:
auto aligned sample
What's New:
Voice messages sent through Strive are now delivered as voice notes. ๐Ÿ“ฑ
When you click the microphone icon to record and send a message to your contact, it will be received as a voice note instead of an audio message.
This change makes it easier for your contacts to listen to and manage your messages.
Note: This update applies only to voice messages sent via the WA Personal channel only.
strive inbox audio
Sample of how the voice note looks:
example voice note






24/7/24 Bug Fixes ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ

Here are the bugs that we crushed in this update ๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ›
  1. The contact's age in the inbox was shown incorrectly if their year of birth was entered.
  2. Contact's frequency was not visible in the Contact table view.
  3. Contacts created with frequency were shown with the wrong date in the Keep in Touch section.
  4. Flowbuilder nodes for image and video had a delay timer configured, but they were sent immediately.
  5. The name for video nodes in Flowbuilder was shown incorrectly for WA API channel only. (The fix applies for new video nodes only. The existing video node name would remain unchanged.)
  6. Even after unchecking the option to display birthdays or dates of birth, the birthday icon still appeared in the right column of the Inbox module.
  7. Template created in WA API Template could not be submitted for approval, despite filling in all required fields and adding in the sample.
  8. When pasting text with variables into a WA API Template, the sample fields were not displayed correctly.
What's New:
You can now quickly add tags to your contacts based on WA Personal Stats, whether you're looking at total recipients, total sent messages, or total failed messages. This feature makes organizing your contacts simpler and more efficient.
Hereโ€™s how to add the tags:
  1. Double-click on the WA Personal stats you want to use (total recipient, total sent, or total failed).
  2. Check the box next to the โ€œNo.โ€ column to select all contacts.
  3. Click on โ€œAdd Tagging.โ€
  4. Choose an existing tag(s) or click โ€œCreate New Tagโ€ to make a new one, then enter the tag name.
  5. Click โ€œAddโ€ to apply the tag.
Now, managing your contacts is even easier with this new tagging feature! ๐ŸŒŸ
add tagging
Here are the bugs that we crushed in this update ๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ›
  1. Contacts uploaded by users wasn't fully uploaded.
  2. When importing the contacts, the checkbox values were not correctly marked according to the CSV file. (
    Solution: Separate the values using
What's New:
Now you can create contact directly from the table view. ๐Ÿ“‹โœจ
Here's how it works:
  1. Click on "Add Contact."
  2. Fill in the contact details.
  3. Click "Add Contact" again to create the contact.
This allows you to manage your contacts more efficiently without switching back to List view.
create contact in table view
Here are the bugs that we crushed in this update ๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ›
  1. Contacts created with different billing and shipping addresses would incorrectly show the billing address for both.
  2. Contacts created with a specified frequency did not appear in the Keep In Touch section.
  3. Contacts did not appear in the Keep In Touch section after updating the frequency from "Don't keep in touch".
What's New:
You can now filter your inbox analytics to show data specific to the chosen channel.
Just select the channel you want, and the analytics will update to reflect data from that channel.
This makes it easier to focus on the performance of individual channels and get insights tailored to your needs. ๐ŸŽ‰
inbox analytics channel
What's New:
Contacts created automatically when they message in now show their channel source in the Contact Source field. ๐ŸŒŸ
If you have enabled the auto-create contact in your inbox or WA Personal Setup, when a new contact messages in, you'll see the channel ID along with their WA Personal phone number, WA API phone number, or Facebook page name in the Contact Source field.
This makes it easier to track your contacts by showing the exact source of each new contact.
Note: This change applies to new contacts moving forward. Existing contacts will remain unaffected by this update.
inbox contact source
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