




24/7/24 Bug Fixes ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ

Here are the bugs that we crushed in this update ๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ›
  1. The contact's age in the inbox was shown incorrectly if their year of birth was entered.
  2. Contact's frequency was not visible in the Contact table view.
  3. Contacts created with frequency were shown with the wrong date in the Keep in Touch section.
  4. Flowbuilder nodes for image and video had a delay timer configured, but they were sent immediately.
  5. The name for video nodes in Flowbuilder was shown incorrectly for WA API channel only. (The fix applies for new video nodes only. The existing video node name would remain unchanged.)
  6. Even after unchecking the option to display birthdays or dates of birth, the birthday icon still appeared in the right column of the Inbox module.
  7. Template created in WA API Template could not be submitted for approval, despite filling in all required fields and adding in the sample.
  8. When pasting text with variables into a WA API Template, the sample fields were not displayed correctly.